Episode 44: The Mommy (and Daddy) Brain Controversies: Adaptation not Deficit with Bridget Callaghan, PhD
"We trained pregnant and never pregnant women and we tested them on their memory for these items immediately after they learned them and then we tested them two weeks later, looking at their long term autobiographical memory. What we found was that for...

On “Off the Couch” we meet psychoanalysts who work in dialysis units, prenatal clinics, corporate board rooms, community centers, humanitarian organizations, and with school children, just to name a few. We hope these conversations expand our awareness of how broadly psychoanalytic thinking extends into our communities.
Dr. Harvey Schwartz
Psychiatrist & Psychoanalyst dedicated to patient care and educating the next generation of clinicians.
Harvey Schwartz, MD is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who has been immersed in the world of emotional healing for over 40 years. His career has been devoted to firstly providing patient care, and then to educating the next generation of clinicians. He has been an award-winning teacher of trainees throughout his years of practice. Dr. Schwartz has edited five books for fellow professionals and is the Book Series editor of the forthcoming volumes on providing clinical care in community settings. He is the producer of two podcasts and has lectured to professional audiences internationally.
Harvey Schwartz, MD Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Sidney Kimmel School of Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia. Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst, Philadelphia (PCOP) and New York (PANY).
lecture series
Jewish thought and psychoanalysis
A Lecture Series Devoted to the Interface Between Psychoanalytic and Jewish Thinking: culturally, historically and conceptually.
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